Cosas de la vida,que me pasan a mi y a los que me rodean en fin un poco de todo y algo mas..
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
COn esto en la mente el otro dia mientras visitaba uno de los blogs que usualmente leo me encontre con un post que en su totalidad expresa mis sentimientos, me tomo la libertad ponerlo aqui , agradeciendo de antemando a los amigos de
Antes era SPAM, ahora es BC
Publicado el 27 Septiembre 2010 por Luijo
No hay nada más incómodo que perder 2 minutos de tu vida leyendo acerca de la maldición que te caerá si no reenvías ese correo a 7 personas. Todos hemos sido víctimas de esos correos no deseados (SPAM) que inundan la bandeja de entrada.
Por si no nos bastara con tener que dedicar 3 minutos cada vez que abrimos el correo marcando como SPAM y borrando todos los correos que nos condenan a tener mal sexo, desamor, pobreza y mala suerte, ahora hay que lidiar también con los broadcasts o mensajes masivos que envían por el BlackBerry messenger.
Que si no reenvías este mensaje no recibirás la última actualización para el BBM, que se presentará la DJ no sé quién en la súper discoteca y no te lo puedes perder, que si no reenvías esta oración que sólo te tomará 1 minuto leer no recibirás la bendición del Señor, que elimines a menganito que cambió de PIN, que a fulanito le robaron el carro y quieres que reenvíes el mensaje para que cuando veas al ladrón le des golpes, que si reenvías ese mensaje a todos tus contactos lloverá Coca Cola, etc.
Cada 5 minutos algún genio sin mucho oficio ni cerebro (porque para creerse que BlackBerry va a beneficiar a algún usuario por enviar un broadcast hay que tener mucha imaginación) se convierte en bocina y repite algún mensaje que recibió de otra bocina que reproduce los mensajes que recibe sin siquiera detenerse a hacer un ejercicio mental básico y preguntarse qué tan factible o real es eso que está comunicando
La cantidad de broadcast que recibimos confirma la hipótesis de que no leemos, pensamos ni razonamos, sino que somos en muchas ocasiones simples reproductores que repiten todo lo que leen, escuchan y oyen sin cuestionar en lo más mínimo aquello que le están diciendo. (Con razón a los políticos se les hace tan fácil dar discursos que reciben fuertes aplausos de la audiencia, aún cuando no están diciendo nada que amerite ser aplaudido).
Nos tocará ahora perder más tiempo de nuestra vida leyendo y borrando estupideces que asombran hasta al más ingenuo.

En el dia de hoy participe en la jornada de limpieza de costas, fue una experiencia educativa para mi, aprendi que debemos crear consciencia en relacion a la conservacion de nuestros recursos naturales, ya que no solo son los oceanos los que debemos cuidar.
Que crear consciencia es igual a educacion y que la misma empieza en la casa, por ende esta en los padres enseñarle a sus hijos desde pequeños los valores que hoy en dia estan perdidos, es lamentable darme cuenta que estamos viviendo en una sociedad donde no hay respeto hacia el derecho de los demas, que para cualquiera echar la basura en el piso, es como cambiarse de ropa, que a las personas se les hace dificil esperar en una fila y que todo el mundo anda rapido, y en su rapidez irrespeta a los demas y todo esto es falta de educacion.
Los politicos, periodistas y demas critican y gastan horas diciendo que el sistema educativo del pais es deficiente, pero la educacion que necesitamos no es solo la de las escuelas, la mas necesaria y la mas urgente es la educacion en el hogar, que los padres se detengan por un momento en su ajetreada vida y le dediquen tiempo a sus hijos, que se ocupen de ellos, que le inculquen valores. Da pena ver en lo que esta convertida la juventud hoy en dia, niños que crecen pegados a una computadoras o a una TV sin nadie que supervise que hacen o que estan viendo.
Con educación avanzamos, nos respetamos mutuamente, bien lo dijo Benito Juarez el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz¨ y de eso en nuestro pais no hay nada..
Me dio escalofrios cuando conversando con mi prima, me conto que su hija que tambien participo en la jornada de hoy pero en otra playa le toco la desagradable tarea de que en su labor de recoger basura encontraron un feto... que nos da esto falta de educacion otra vez, de orientacion a niñas que estan iniciando su vida sexual cuando apenas saben jugar con muñecas y que buscan en un aborto la salida a sus problemas.
En fin que hoy se limpiaron las playas del país, pero dentro de unos pocos dias estoy segura estaran igual o peor de como la encontramos hoy los que donamos el tiempo. Porque esto no es un problema que se resuelve con que un grupo decida un dia ir y recoger la basura... no esto es algo que necesita trabajo a largo plazo, vuelvo y repito para resolver este y todos los problemas que nos afectan lo que necesitamos es EDUCACION, y de eso lamentablemente estamos escasos aqui.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Of course, you can’t unfry an egg, but there is no law against thinking about it.
If I had my life to live over, I would try to make more mistakes.
I would relax. I know of very few things that I would take seriously.
I would go more places. I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers.
I would eat more ice cream and less bran.
I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary troubles.
You see, I have been one of those fellows who live prudently and sanely, hour after hour, day after day.
Oh, I have had my moments. But if I had it to do over again, I would have more of them – a lot more.
I never go anywhere without a thermometer, a gargle, a raincoat and a parachute.
If I had it to do over, I would travel lighter.
If I had my life to live over, I would pay less attention to people telling us we must learn Latin or History; otherwise we will be disgraced and ruined and flunked and failed.
I would seek out more teachers who inspire relaxation and fun.
If I had my life to live over, I would start barefooted a little earlier in the spring and stay that way a little later in the fall.
I would shoot more paper wads at my teachers.
I would keep later hours.
I’d have more sweethearts.
I would go to more circuses.
I would be carefree as long as I could, or at least until I got some care- instead of having my cares in advance.
I doubt, however, that I’ll do much damage with my creed.
The opposition is too strong.
There are too many serious people trying to get everybody else to be too darned serious.
(there are several versions of this text circulating in Internet. The one above is attributed to Don Harold)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
this interesting facts were found while visiting Paulo Coelho´s blog, when I read it I thought it was good for me to share, so here are the facts of :
Why Women love men
Women love Men because they can never fake orgasms, even if they wanted to.
Because they write poems, songs, and books in our honor.
Because they never understand us, but they never give up.
Because they can see beauty in women when women have long ceased to see any beauty in themselves.
Because they come from little boys.
Because they can churn out long, intricate, Machiavellian, or incredibly complex mathematics and physics equations, but they can be comparably clueless when it comes to women.
Because they are incredible lovers and never rest until we’re happy.
Because they elevate sports to religion.
Because they’re never afraid of the dark.
Because they don’t care how they look or if they age.
Because they persevere in making and repairing things beyond their abilities, with the naïve self-assurance of the teenage boy who knew everything.
Because they never wear or dream of wearing high heels.
Because they’re always ready for sex.
Because they’re like pomegranates: lots of inedible parts, but the juicy seeds are incredibly tasty and succulent and usually exceed your expectations.
Because they’re afraid to go bald.
Because you always know what they think and they always mean what they say.
Because they love machines, tools, and implements with the same ferocity women love jewelry.
Because they go to great lengths to hide, unsuccessfully, that they are frail and human.
Because they either speak too much or not at all to that end.
Because they always finish the food on their plate.
Because they are brave in front of insects and mice.
Because a well-spoken four-year old girl can reduce them to silence, and a beautiful 25-year old can reduce them to slobbering idiots.
Because they want to be either omnivorous or ascetic, warriors or lovers, artists or generals, but nothing in-between.
Because for them there’s no such thing as too much adrenaline.
Because when all is said and done, they can’t live without us, no matter how hard they try.
Because they’re truly as simple as they claim to be.
Because they love extremes and when they go to extremes, we’re there to catch them.
Because they are tender they when they cry, and how seldom they do it.
Because what they lack in talk, they tend to make up for in action.
Because they make excellent companions when driving through rough neighborhoods or walking past dark alleys.
Because they really love their moms, and they remind us of our dads.
Because they never care what their horoscope, their mother-in-law, nor the neighbors say.
Because they don’t lie about their age, their weight, or their clothing size.
Because they have an uncanny ability to look deeply into our eyes and connect with our heart, even when we don’t want them to.
Because when we say “I love you” they ask for an explanation.
and now why Men Love Women
Men love women because they still feel they are adolescents even after they grow old.
Because they smile every time they pass a child.
Because they walk down the street erect, always looking straight ahead, never turning round to say thanks or return the smile or compliment we make when they pass by.
Because they are bold in bed, not because they have a perverse nature but because they want to please us.
Because they don’t complain about the sacrifices they make for the sake of the ideal of beauty, facing up to waxers, Botox injections and menacing machines in gyms.
Because they prefer to eat salads.
Because they draw and paint their faces with the same concentration as Michelangelo working on the Sistine Chapel.
Because if they want to know something about their own appearance, they ask other women and don’t bother us with this type of question.
Because they have their own ways of solving problems, which we never understand, and that makes us mad.
Because they feel compassion, and say “I love you” precisely when they are beginning to love us less, to make up for what we can feel and notice.
Because sometimes they complain about things that we feel too, such as colds and rheumatic pains, and then we understand that they are people just like us.
Because while our armies invade other countries, they remain firm in their private and inexplicable war to put an end to all the cockroaches in the world.
Because they are capable of going to work dressed like men, in their delicate little suits, whereas no man would ever dare go to work wearing a skirt.
Because in the movies – and only in the movies – they never take a shower before making love with their partners.
Because they always manage to find a convincing defect when we say that another woman is pretty, making us feel insecure about our taste. (So true!!!)
Because they manage to fake orgasms with the same artistic quality as the most famous and talented of movie stars.
Because they just love exotic cocktails with different colors and delicate little ornaments, while we always have the same old whiskey.
Because they don’t waste hours thinking about how they are going to approach the pretty young man who has just come on the bus.
Because we came from them, will go back to them, and until that happens, live in orbit around the feminine body and soul.
(And I would add: we men love them for being women. As simple as that).
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Blog Action Day
As part of the innitiative to inspire global discussion about the same issue, this year topic in all blogs is Water. Doing a litte research around the internet I found out a few interesting and alarming things about water, that to be honest i did not know until I started researching for this post.
In my research I found this facts:
1.-Water over-consumption in industrialized countries:
While the developing world faces a water crisis, those in industrialized countries consume far more than their fair share.
•Food Footprint: It takes 24 liters of water to produce one hamburger. That means it would take over 19.9 billion liters of water to make just one hamburger for every person in Europe. •Technology Footprint: The shiny new iPhone in your pocket requires half a liter of water to charge. That may not seem like much, but with over 80 million active iPhones in the world, that’s 40 million liters to charge those alone.
•Fashion Footprint: That cotton t-shirt you’re wearing right now took 1,514 liters of water to produce, and your jeans required an extra 6,813 liters.
•Bottled Water Footprint: The US, Mexico and China lead the world in bottled water consumption, with people in the US drinking an average of 200 bottles of water per person each year. Over 17 million barrels of oil are needed to manufacture those water bottles, 86 percent of which will never be recycled.
2.-What is the Water Footprint:
People use lots of water for drinking, cooking and washing, but even more for producing things such as food, paper, cotton clothes, etc. The water footprint is an indicator of water use that looks at both direct and indirect water use of a consumer or producer. The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business.
3.-How Many Gallons of Water Does it Take to Make . . .
it takes an estimated 39,090 gallons of water to make a car. It's unclear if that includes the more 2,000 gallons used to make its tires--each tire takes 518 gallons to make. [1]
Pair of Jeans
It takes around 1,800 gallons of water to grow enough cotton to produce just one pair of regular ol' blue jeans. [2]
Cotton T-Shirt
Not as bad as jeans, it still takes a whopping 400 gallons of water to grow the cotton required for an ordinary cotton shirt.
Single Board of Lumber
5.4 gallons of water are used to grow enough wood for one lumber board. [3]
Barrel of Beer
In order to process a single barrel of beer (32 gallons of booze), 1,500 gallons of water are sucked down. [3]
To-Go Latte
It takes 53 gallons to make every latte
Gallon of Paint
Takes 13 gallons of water to make.
Individual Bottled Water
This irony shouldn't be lost on anyone: it takes 1.85 gallons of water to manufacture the plastic for the bottle in the average commercial bottle of water.
One Ton of . . .
Steel: 62,000 gallons of water
Cement: 1,360 gallons
One Pound of . . .
Wool: 101 gallons of water
Cotton: 101 gallons
Plastic: 24 gallons
Synthetic Rubber: 55 gallons
And that's just some of the stuff we make--check out how much water it takes to grow all of our food. We all need to make a conscious effort to watch what we buy for its water footprint. And it's not just the US, though--many countries around the world have alarmingly high water footprints, too. So keep your eyes open when you're shopping around--we're wasting way too much water. so the next time your washing your teeth, doing the dishes or taking a shower always remember to not let the water running, cause every drop counts, and there are countries were people have to walk miles and miles to get a gallon of water, so it is important for everybody to take action into solving this problem.
If you need more information about Blog Action Day or to find out how to participate or help go to