I'm 35 years old, it's taken me a while to love my body, we have our ups and downs, but ever since i made peace with the fact that being fat is not a crime nor the end of the world, i've become more happy with it.
I'm chubby but i don't have cellulite, nor strech marks,
I have two problems area's being my stomach and my ass, that seem to have a mind of their own, cause no matter if I exercise or not or if I diet for a couple of weeks, they stay the same shape and form. Today I can say that they've become a part of me and I've come to love and appreciate them, cause every single pound that has found it's way there was very much enjoyed.
Even though I have my problem area's there are parts of my body that I've always loved:
I love my legs
I love my boobs.. there are women all around the world getting surgery to have them like mine :)
I love my eyes... shortside vision and all.. they allowed me to see the beuty of this world every day
I love my hips love handles and all... they are part of my heritage...and they make me who I am
I love my hair, curly or straight
to make this story short.. I love each and every part of my body, and I'm proud to say that when people call me fat... that word doesn't affect me anymore...
I heart my body.. ohhh Yes I do :)