Cosas de la vida,que me pasan a mi y a los que me rodean en fin un poco de todo y algo mas..
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010

In Keeping with awards season the Globes were handed out last Night and these are the Results:
—Picture, Drama: "Avatar."
—Picture, Musical or Comedy: "The Hangover."
—Actor, Drama: Jeff Bridges, "Crazy Heart."
—Actress, Drama: Sandra Bullock, "The Blind Side."
—Director: James Cameron, "Avatar."
—Actor, Musical or Comedy: Robert Downey Jr., "Sherlock Holmes."
—Actress, Musical or Comedy: Meryl Streep, "Julie & Julia."
—Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz, "Inglourious Basterds."
—Supporting Actress: Mo'Nique, "Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire."
—Foreign Language: "The White Ribbon."
—Animated Film: "Up."
—Screenplay: Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner, "Up in the Air."
—Original Score: Michael Giacchino, "Up."
—Original Song: "The Weary Kind (Theme from 'Crazy Heart')" (written by Ryan Bingham, T Bone Burnett); "Crazy Heart."
—Series, Drama: "Mad Men," AMC.
—Actor, Drama: Michael C. Hall, "Dexter."
—Actress, Drama: Julianna Margulies, "The Good Wife."
—Series, Musical or Comedy: "Glee," Fox.
—Actor, Musical or Comedy: Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock."
—Actress, Musical or Comedy: Toni Collette, "United States of Tara."
—Miniseries or Movie: "Grey Gardens," HBO.
—Actress, Miniseries or Movie: Drew Barrymore, "Grey Gardens."
—Actor, Miniseries or Movie: Kevin Bacon, "Taking Chance."
—Supporting Actress, Series, Miniseries or Movie: Chloe Sevigny, "Big Love,"
—Supporting Actor, Series, Miniseries or Movie: John Lithgow, "Dexter."
Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award: Martin Scorsese.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
El martes el pueblo de Haiti se enfrento a un desastre natural de proporciones aun indeterminadas, lo que nosotros sentimos aqui en el país no fue nada comparado con lo que debieron sentir nuestros hermanos haitianos.
El terremoto de magnitud 7.0 y todas las demas severas replicas que le subsiguieron a este, causo un desastre humano en la ciudad de puerto principe. Todas estas personas estan desamparadas y es tiempo de que todos pongamos manos a la obra.
Nuestro pais solo sintio las replicas de tan horrendo desastre natural ahora todos nos quedamos preguntando que hacer, Aqui un listado detallado de todo lo que podemos hacer.
En nuestro pais hay varios lugares donde se pueden llevar donaciones tales como:
1.- Los Centros de la compañia de Jesus :
- Bonó, c. Josefa Brea N. 65, Mejoramiento Social, Santo Doming
Tel:(809) 682-4448; (809) 688-1646
- Centro Alberto Hurtado, Av. Jiménez Moya N. 37, (al lado de Inazúcar), Santo Domingo:
Tel: (809) 535-2977
- Centro Bellarmino, Km 1 .5, Aut. Duarte, Santiago
- CEFASA, Km. 5, Autopista Luperón:
Tel: (809) 736-8272
- Solidaridad Fronteriza, C/ Manuel Roca 13, Dajabón Tel: (809) 579-8993
Para donativos en efectivo, hacer giro a la siguiente cuenta del Banco Popular:
Centro Bonó, 734510795
Emails :;
2.- Todas las Farmacias Carol estan funcionando como centros de acopio.
3.- Save the Children Dominicana: tambien esta recibiendo Agua y Enlatados en sus
oficinas en la C/Jacinto Mañón(charles summer)# 32, Ensanche Paraíso.
4.- Orange le envia a sus usuarios un Text diciendo que por cada Text enviado al 4004 a un costo de RD$20.00 + impuestos y para los de Claro enviar un Text al 1201 a un costo de RD$25.00 + impuestos.
5.- Donar Sangre en la Cruz Roja de la leopoldo navarro con 27 de febrero. 809 334 4545 ext. 237.
- Habichuelas en lata
- Salchicas en lata
- Sardinas en lata
- Atún en lata
- Galletas de soda
- Leche tetrapack
- Jugos de fruta tetrapack
- Comida no perecible en general
- Sueros de rehidratación oral
- Gasas
- Algodón
- Analgésicos (acetaminofén, ibuprofen)
- Cabestrillos
- Vendaje elástico
- Toxoide antitetánico
- Ganmaglobulina antitetánica humana
- Antibióticos (amoxicifilina, en suspensión y/o comprimidos)
- Antisépticos (tipo yodopovidona, o tipo jabón de clorhexidina)
- Toallas sanitarias
Amigos, es tiempo de dejar todo atras,y ayudarnos mutuamente. Hoy fueron ellos mañana podemos ser nosotros. Cualquier ayuda es necesaria y se agradece.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
El año ya empezo y mi lista de peliculas esta lista, aqui para que no se me olviden las peliculas que tengo que ver en el 2010. Solo espero que los dueños de salas de cines de aqui no se aloquen y las traigan todas y a tiempo.
1.- Youth in Revolt - January 2010
2.- When in Rome - January 2010
3.- Valentine´s Day - February 2010
4.- Alice in Wonderland - March 2010
5.- Remember me - March 2010
6.- The Runaways - March 2010
7.- Clash of the Titans - March 2010
8.- Iron Man 2 - May 2010
9.- Sex and the City 2 - May 2010
10.- Thor - May 2010
11.- The A-Team - June 2010
12.- The Karate Kid - June 2010
13.- Footlose - June 2010
14.- The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - June 2010
15.- The Green Hornet - December 2010
16.- Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows
Solo 16 hasta ahora, algunas son remakes... otras son secuelas y otras son nuevas historias, pero cada una alimentara mi pasion por el septimo arte este año. Espero poder verlas todas..
Thursday, January 07, 2010

Movie: Twilight Saga: New Moon
Actress: Sandra Bullock ( The Proposal, The Blind Side)
Actor: Jhonny Depp ( Public Enemies and The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus)
Actor of de Decade: Jhonny Depp
Comedy Movie: The Proposal
Independent Movie: Inglorious Basterds
Action Star: Hugh Jackman ( X-men Origins: Wolverine)
Comedic Star: Jim Carrey ( A Christmas Carol)
Breakout Actor: Taylor Lautner ( Twilight Saga: New Moon)
Breakout Actress: Miley Cirus ( Hanna Montana The Movie)
Family Movie: Up
On Screen Team: Twilight Saga
Movie Franchise: Twilight Saga
TV Drama: House
TV Drama Actor: Hugh Laurie ( House)
TV Drama Actress: Catherine Heighl ( Grey's Anathomy)
TV Comedy: The Big Bang Theory
TV Comedy Actor: Steve Carell ( The Office)
TV Comedy Actress: Alysson Hanigan ( How I met your Mother)
TV Obssession: True Blood (HBO)
TV Talk Show: The Ellen Degeneres Show
TV Sci Fi/Fantasy Show: Supernatural (CW)
TV COmpetition Show: American Idol
TV Animal Show: Dog Whisperer
TV New Comedy: Glee
TV New Drama: Vampire Diaries
Female Music Artist: Taylor Swift
Male Music Artist: Keith Urban
Breakout Musis Artist: Lady Gaga
Country Music Artist: Carrie UnderWood
Hip Hop Artist: Eminem
Rock Band: Paramore
Music Collaboration: Run this town ( Jay-Z - Riahnna and Kanye West)
R&B Artist: Mariah Carey
Pop Artist: Lady Gaga
Web Celeb: Ashton Kusher
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Here is a list of my top 21 some scenes that should be in the movie.
(Note: these are in order that they appeared in the book)
1. Charlie passing notes between Bella and Jacob. - To me this just shows how bad things got between Jacob and Bella. And just how bad its hurting Jacob (Arggg, I cant believe I just said that because I am so not a Jacob fan. Team Edward all the way!!)
2. All of the newspaper articles about Seattle. - If we didn’t have this then a lot of people who didn’t read the book would be very lost.
3. The trip to see Renee. - I think this is a must because, otherwise Renee would never see how Bella and Edward act together.
4. The English note conversation.- Ok I’ll admit it, this isn’t a major thing but I just love the scene so much. I had to throw it in here, plus it’s a good follow up on the trip.
5. Save the Olympic Wolf/ Jacob scene - This Scene shows how much Bella misses Jacob and the fact that you have to work fast when there’s a psychic vampire involved.
6. Angela and Bella - Its nice to see Bella hang out with other people, other than the Cullens.
7. Alice kidnapping Bella - The amazing Porsche finally comes into play. Bella and Alice get to spend more time together. Also Rosalie becomes a little bit like-able.
8. Jacobs school rescue. - it’s a nice little touch.
9. (MIA) Room - When they really start to realize that someone is after Bella
10. Knife incident - Edward gets to be light-hearted and funny.
11. Bomb fire - Bella first gets the idea of the third wife
12. Jasper’s Story - Who doesn’t love hearing about Jasper’s past, plus it helps Bella understand being a newborn vampire a little bit more
13. The kiss - Jacob trying to make Bella realize that she loves him to, so he kisses her. Really how can this not be in it. And a bonus Emmett gets to have his very famous funny line.
14. The bet - I know that this one is small, but I like it
15. Graduation/party - A lot happens Bella figures out some major information and everyone finally gets to see the Cullens’ house. Jacob also makes Bella a bracelet (which I own)
16. Training - MAJOR
17. Comprise - MAJOR, MAJOR. Hello this is like the biggest must have ever. I say every little detail should be in the movie.
18. The tent - Bella realizes she loves both Jacob and Edward
19. The fight - need I say more
20. Poor Jacob - Jacob’s whole right side of his body is broken. Bella gets to spend time with him alone. it’s a very cute scene
21. Planning - Alice finds out she gets to plan a wedding.
So far this is my list... of course I might add a few more from here until the premiere, but as far as I´m concern this is like the core of the book.