Cosas de la vida,que me pasan a mi y a los que me rodean en fin un poco de todo y algo mas..
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
La Musica
Para muchos de mis familiares y amigos, mi gusto particular hacia la musica es un poco alocado, porque yo no soy de las que digo yo no escucho esta u aquella musica, en realidad al igual que a las personas a la musica se le debe dar la oportunidad de demostrar si es buena o mala. Por esto yo trato de todo tipo de musica por lo menos escucharlo una vez, a partir de ahi tomo la decision de si me gusta o no.
Partiendo de esto, puedo decir que al pasar de los años me he sentido identificada con muchos o varios artistas, siendo uno ellos Alejandro Sanz, desde la primera vez que escuche una de sus canciones seria ya hace como 7 u 8 años atras, todas me han tocado mis sentimientos y hay algunas con las que me siento identificada. Es por esto que desde la semana pasada cuando me entere que despues de dos años ya su nueva produccion va a salir proximamente a la venta.
Me dedique a buscar en la radio el nuevo sencillo y al escucharlo por primera vez, de verdad.... me puse a pensar, esta cancion como que me dice mucho, no se si es que en los ultimos meses he estado sintiendo un poco sola, y me he puesto a pensar si sera verdad aquello de que el amor no existe y que de verdad nunca podre encontrar a esa persona con la que me sienta bien, que me quiera,me respete y que nos complementemos mutuamente, esto porque en los ultimos tiempo la mayoria de los hombres que he conocido solo tienen una sola cosa que proponerme y como que me siento que si cedo y caigo en ese circulo vicioso estare traicionando todas mis creencias y convicciones, a lo mejor estoy equivocada pero es que a la fecha los hombres que he conocido y tratado; todos me han propuesto lo mismo y no he querido ceder, por que creo que una relacion entre dos personas aunque al principio todo comienza con una atraccion mutua, luego con el dia a dia uno llega a conocerse y hasta enamorarse, no como es la conviccion ahora que primero Sexo y luego nos conocemos... Quizas esta actitud mia no me lleve a ningun lado pero sigo teniendo Fe en que alla afuera existe alguien que al igual que yo esta cansada de estas relaciones de una noche, sin huellas, sin sentimientos, solo una satisfaccion temporal si acaso, porque es que no creo que llegue nisiquiera a eso. La esperanza, como dicen muchos, es lo ultimo que se pierde.
Por esto al buscar por la web las letras de la cancion, me di cuenta que al igual que Alejandro Sanz yo A la primera persona que me ayude a caminar pienso entregarle mi tiempo, pienso entregarle hasta el mar.
aqui quiero guardar las letras de esta cancion que al escucharla me hizo pensar.......
A la primera persona / A sanz
A la primera persona que me ayude a comprender
pienso entregarle mi tiempo, pienso entregarle mi fe,
yo no pido que las cosas me salgan siempre bien,
pero es que ya estoy harto de perderte sin querer (querer).
A la primera persona que me ayude a salir
de este infierno en el que yo mismo decidí vivir
le regalo cualquier tarde pa' los dos,
lo que digo es que ahora mismo ya no tengo ni siquiera dónde estar.
El oro pa' quien lo quiera pero si hablamos de ayer:
es tanto lo que he bebido y sigo teniendo sed,
al menos tú lo sabías, al menos no te decía
que las cosas no eran como parecían.
Pero es que a la primera persona que me ayude a sentir otra vez
pienso entregarle mi vida, pienso entregarle mi fe,
aunque si no eres la persona que soñaba para qué
(¿qué voy a hacer? nada).
¿Qué voy a hacer de los sueños?
¿qué voy a hacer con aquellos besos?
¿qué puedo hacer con todo aquello que soñamos?
dime dónde lo metemos.
¿qué voy a hacer con aquellos besos?
¿qué puedo hacer con todo aquello que soñamos?
dime dónde lo metemos.
¿Dónde guardo la mirada que me diste alguna vez?
¿dónde guardo las promesas, dónde guardo el ayer?
¿dónde guardo, niña, tu manera de tocarme?
¿dónde guardo mi fe?
¿dónde guardo las promesas, dónde guardo el ayer?
¿dónde guardo, niña, tu manera de tocarme?
¿dónde guardo mi fe?
Aunque lo diga la gente yo no lo quiero escuchar,
no hay más miedo que el que se siente cuando ya no sientes nada,
niña, tú lo ves tan fácil, ¡ay amor!
pero es que cuanto más sencillo tú lo ves, más difícil se me hace.
A la primera persona que me ayude a caminar
pienso entregarle mi tiempo, pienso entregarle hasta el mar,
yo no digo que sea fácil, pero,
ahora mismo ya no tengo ni siquiera dónde estar.
A la primera persona que no me quiera juzgar
pienso entregarle caricias que yo tenía guardadas,
yo no pido que las cosas me salgan siempre bien
pero es que ya estoy harto de perderte.
Y a la primera persona que me lleve a la verdad
pienso entregarle mi tiempo, no quiero esperar más,
yo no te entiendo cuando me hablas ¡qué mala suerte!
y tú dices que la vida tiene cosas así de fuertes.
Yo te puedo contar cómo es una llama por dentro,
yo puedo decirte cuánto es que pesa su fuego,
y es que amar en soledad es como un pozo sin fondo
donde no existe ni Dios, donde no existen verdades.
Es todo tan relativo, como que estamos aquí,
no sabemos, pero, amor, dame sangre pa' vivir,
al menos tú lo sabías, al menos no te decía
que las cosas no eran como parecían.
Y es que a la primera persona que no me quiera juzgar
pienso entregarle caricias que yo tenía guardadas,
niña, tú lo ves tan fácil, ¡ay amor!
pero es que cuanto más sencillo tú lo ves, más difícil se me hace.
A la primera persona que no me quiera juzgar
pienso entregarle caricias que yo tenía guardadas,
yo no digo que sea fácil, pero,
ahora mismo ya no tengo ni siquiera dónde estar.
ni siquiera dónde estar.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Hace 18 años atrás..............
Un dia como hoy hace 18 años murio mi abuelita, para ese entonces yo tan solo tenía 11 años, estos ultimos dias me he puesto a recordarla, como era, mi abuela era la persona mas buena y humanitaria que he conocido, para ella todo lo que tenia ella lo repartia, mi mamá y mis tias dicen que ella tenía el don de Jesús de multiplicar el pan, puesto que siempre cocinaba y podia llegar una persona no esperada a la hora de la comida y ella siempre lograba sacar ese plato de comida extra.... Mi abuela a mis hermanos y a mi nos consintio hasta mas no poder, recuerdo que como ella vivia al doblar de la esquina de mi casa, siempre despues de comida acostumbrabamos mi hermano Pedro y yo ir para alla a pasar la tarde con ella, alli jugabamos, comiamos almendra, mangos. Ella era un ser excepcional el dia que murio fue un dia triste, pero ccomo bien dice mi mamá ella murio como vivio een paz y con ella se cumplio el dicho de que :
" Cuando nacistes todos reían y tú llorabas, vive de tal forma que cuando mueras todos lloren y tú sonrías"
Y asi se nos fue abuelita en Paz y feliz porque ella siempre lo dijo que si moria queria morir en su san cristobal rodeada de todos sus hijos y familiares y feliz.... Que Dios te mantenga siempre en su Gloria Abuela querida!!!!!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
About Me
(1) Your gender: Female.
(2) Straight/gay/bi? Straight
(3) Single? Yes
(4) Right now, you want to be? At home, in bed watching tv
(5) Your birth day: May 02nd of every year.
(6) Age you act: I usually act my age, but sometimes my inner child comes out to play
(7) Age you wish you were: 15, in school without having to worry about any reponsabilities
(8) Your height: 5’ 7’’
(9) The color of your eyes: Black
(10) Happy with it? yes.
(11) The color of your hair: Black
(12) Happy with it? Yes
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous? Right,
(14) Your living arrangement? Dad, Mom, my Brother Pedro, 1 Dog (blackie), 1Cat ( Lucinda).
(15) Your family: My Center
(16) What's your job: I Business Administrator with expertise in Finance
(17) Piercings? 1 in each ear.
(18) Tattoos? Never had the guts to get one done.
(19) Obsessions? Not many
(20) Do you speak another language? I currently speak English, Spanish, a little French.
(21) Favorite quote: “El que Encilla su Caballo sabe para donde va.” Y “ el que tiene su cojombro que se lo eche al hombro”
(22) Do you have a web page? This Blog and
(23) Do you live in the moment? I try to .
(24) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Yes, too much, I put up with a lot of BS from people because of this
(25) Do you have any secrets? Oh Yeah.
(26) Do you like your handwriting? Yes
(27) Do you have any bad habits? A few.
(28) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Life with Mimi
(29) What's your biggest fear? To be alone
(30) Can you sing? Yeah, I do in my car and in my bedroom while listening to music
(31) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? No
(32) Are you a daredevil? No I’ m actually very chicken
(33) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Definitely .
(34) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Fear no, hate definitely but I’ll keep that to myself
(35) Are you passive or aggressive? 100% passive
(36) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose? Love, because that’s what moves the world
(37) Do you think you are emotionally strong? Not so much.
(38) Do you think life has been good so far? Yeah, I thank God everyday for it…
(39) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Becarefull who you trust, cause once you put yourself out there you never know who’s gonna come and stab you in the back. There a few people that I can say have my trust.
(40) What do you like the most about your body? Does my hair counts? If not then I like my Behind
(41) And least? My tummy,
(42) Do you think you are good looking? Honestly no, but a lot of people say I’m anyway I try not to believe it 100%.
(43) Are you confident? I can only wish.
(44) What is the fictional character you're most likely to fuck? Aquiles from Troy.
(45) Smoke? No.
(46) Do drugs? If you consider a Beer a Drug then Yeah!!!!!!!
(47) Read the newspaper? Yes
(48) Pray? Every day
(49) Go to church? Not as much as I’m supposed to.
(50) Sleep with stuffed animals? No, I hug my pillow
(51) Talk to a person that hates you? First I’ll have to meet that person,. So far I don’t thinks there’s anybody that hates me. If so I don’t know.
(52) Liked your voice? I do.
(53) Burped? Yeah in from of my best friend
(54) Done drugs? Nope
(55) Gone skinny dipping? No …
(56) Had a surgery? Yes One in my Breast
(57) Ran away from home? No reason to do that. Thank God!!!!!!!!
(58) Played strip poker? nope
(59) Been picked on? Repeatedly.
(60) Been on stage? no
(61) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? No, I’ve got drunk once in a hotel with a few of my friends from work, and I really told off a very good friend of mine who said she was ashame cause a few of us got drunk. In the morning I felt sorry for everything I said even though my other friends said she deseve it.
(62) Talked on the phone all night? Yeah
(63) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? A couple of times yes.
(64) Slept all day? My favorite past time
(65) Killed someone? Wish a could do it and get away with it, but no
(66) Made out with a stranger? umhhhhh Yes.
(67) Had sex with a stranger? No, I’ m Virgin
(68) Kissed the same sex? On the cheek,that’s as far as I’ll go .
(69) Done anything sexual with the same sex? No, I’m just not attracted to the same things I have.
(70) Been betrayed? Too many times…to count
(71) Had a dream that came true? Yes, my friends are scare of me, cause everytime I dream of a woman being pregnang, somebody I know is, sooooo. They Call me “The Witch”
(72) Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Some ants, a couple of roaches ,and rats ( this last when I worked enough courage to do it) aside from that I love all animals.
(73) Been on radio/TV? no
(74) Had a nervous breakdown? No, I don’t think so.
(75) Been criticized about your sexual performance? I’m a virgin so don’t know my rating yet.
(76) Had a dream that kept coming back? yes
(77) Favorite Shoe brand: Nine West
(78) Favorite brand of clothing: Old Navy, Bossini
(79) Favorite Cologne/Perfume: Elle “Giorgio Armani”,Paris “ Ives Saint Laurent, Romance " Ralf Laurent"
(80) What do you normally wear to school/work? Suits
(81) Do you wear hats? Not always, only when I go to a Concert or to see Baseball game.
(82) Do you wear make-up? A litlle for work, I like it to look as if I’m not wearing anything. I like the natural look.
(83) Do you believe in life on other planets? Not really, but anything is possible.
(84) How about Miracles? Yes
(85) And Astrology? Well not really
(86) Do you believe in Magic? Yes of course
(87) God? He is everything, we have a close friendship. We talk everyday
(88) Satan? No
(89) Do you believe in Santa? Yeah! I even had my picture taken sitting on his lap, Je Je.
(90) Ghosts? Yeah, I’ve seen a couple
(91) Luck? Yes,
(92) Love at first sight? Yes I do, cause you know first impressions are what starts everything.
(93) Witches? Yes, I see and read lot’s of thing about them
(94) Do you remember your first love? love? Yes, we are really good friends now.
(95) Still love him/her? No, that was a very loooooooong time ago
(96) Do you consider love a mistake? No, it the most amazing feeling in the world
(97) What do you find romantic? Just cuddling with a special person and feeling their warm.
(98) Do you base your judgment on looks alone? No, Never
(99) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Flattered, but I will not lead them on, cause I will never play with somebody’s feelings
(100) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date? I prefer to meet them first, I’m very shy, so I don’t think I’ll ever go on a blind date. You can try and trick me, but me ageing to it, Not on this life.
(101) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? No.
(102) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Yes, cause i believe that the most beautiful thing in a person is what's inside, beaty with time fades,....
(103) What is best about the opposite sex? Everything!!!!
(104) Are you in love? Not at the moment. But I want to be.
(105) Do you consider your significant other hot? I’m single at the moment
(106) You wanted to kill? Some guy in the car wash who wanted to cut and be attended before me, and when I told the people that I was first, he started insulting me. The Bastard!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhhhhh, hate it when me try to take advantage of us just because we are women.
(107) That you laughed at? Last Night, while watching a Novela with my brother
(108) That laughed at you? My Best Friend, cause I almost fell on her door step
(109) You went shopping with? My Friend Shahily, last saturday, I was helping her get some plastic boxes so she can store all her books.
(110) That broke your heart? W. broke my heart, cause I really loved him, but he lie and show that he never did really love me, he just want it to get into my pants, and when he couldn’t he just started treating really bad, in the end I broke up with him, and he made everybody think that I was the bad person. The Bastard!!!!. Thank God I don’t have any feelings for him now.(111) To disappoint you? Three of my friends from College, whom I thought were really my friends, but their actitudes towards me, has shown that they are just hypocrites and talk to me just so that our other friends don’t recriminate them.
(112) To brighten up your day? My niece she told me she want it to be like me when she grew up, cause she really admire me.
(113) That you thought about? My best friend who is having trouble in her marriage
(114) You saw a movie with? My friend Shahily
(115) You talked to on the phone? My Friend Glenys
(116) You saw? My CoWorker and Friend Suhey
(117) Smiled? Every single minute of the day Sorry but I’m a Happy Person, I believe that it is better to smile that to frown.
(118) Laughed? Last night with my family
(119) Cried? Three weeks ago with my best friend
(120) Bought something? On saturday
(121) Were sarcastic? This morning
(122) Hugged someone? My Mom Last Night
(123) Talked to an ex? A long time ago. Jiji
(124) Watched your favorite movie? Saturday Night . Love Actually
(125) Had a nightmare? Two months ago.
(126) Talked on the phone? 2 minutes ago.
(127) Listened to the radio? Right now, I have a radio next to my desk. I’m listening to Radio Disney.
(128) Watched TV? Last Night
(129) Went out? Out Out, On friday to My friends Carmen’s House for some tacos
(130) Helped someone? My friend Shahily, she’s in the last stages of her prenangcy so she can’t drive, so I picked her up on Saturday and took her to finish some errands she needed to to. (131) Were mean? To one of my coworkers 5 minutes Ago
(132) Saw a movie in a theater? Three weeks ago
(133) Said "I love you"? to my mother last saturday when she came back from her 1 ½ month vacation in the states. Love her to death, and miss her so much
(134) Missed someone? My mom, she spend 1 ½ month in New York, the first and second week it was Ok but after that it was not very good. She and My father are the most important thing in my life.
(135) Had a serious conversation? On saturday
(136) Got drunk? Two years ago while on a weekend stay at a hotel in Puerto Plata. Now I just drink socially not to get Drunk , I’ m responsible driver you know!!!!! J ;)
(1) Your gender: Female.
(2) Straight/gay/bi? Straight
(3) Single? Yes
(4) Right now, you want to be? At home, in bed watching tv
(5) Your birth day: May 02nd of every year.
(6) Age you act: I usually act my age, but sometimes my inner child comes out to play
(7) Age you wish you were: 15, in school without having to worry about any reponsabilities
(8) Your height: 5’ 7’’
(9) The color of your eyes: Black
(10) Happy with it? yes.
(11) The color of your hair: Black
(12) Happy with it? Yes
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous? Right,
(14) Your living arrangement? Dad, Mom, my Brother Pedro, 1 Dog (blackie), 1Cat ( Lucinda).
(15) Your family: My Center
(16) What's your job: I Business Administrator with expertise in Finance
(17) Piercings? 1 in each ear.
(18) Tattoos? Never had the guts to get one done.
(19) Obsessions? Not many
(20) Do you speak another language? I currently speak English, Spanish, a little French.
(21) Favorite quote: “El que Encilla su Caballo sabe para donde va.” Y “ el que tiene su cojombro que se lo eche al hombro”
(22) Do you have a web page? This Blog and
(23) Do you live in the moment? I try to .
(24) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Yes, too much, I put up with a lot of BS from people because of this
(25) Do you have any secrets? Oh Yeah.
(26) Do you like your handwriting? Yes
(27) Do you have any bad habits? A few.
(28) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Life with Mimi
(29) What's your biggest fear? To be alone
(30) Can you sing? Yeah, I do in my car and in my bedroom while listening to music
(31) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? No
(32) Are you a daredevil? No I’ m actually very chicken
(33) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Definitely .
(34) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Fear no, hate definitely but I’ll keep that to myself
(35) Are you passive or aggressive? 100% passive
(36) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose? Love, because that’s what moves the world
(37) Do you think you are emotionally strong? Not so much.
(38) Do you think life has been good so far? Yeah, I thank God everyday for it…
(39) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Becarefull who you trust, cause once you put yourself out there you never know who’s gonna come and stab you in the back. There a few people that I can say have my trust.
(40) What do you like the most about your body? Does my hair counts? If not then I like my Behind
(41) And least? My tummy,
(42) Do you think you are good looking? Honestly no, but a lot of people say I’m anyway I try not to believe it 100%.
(43) Are you confident? I can only wish.
(44) What is the fictional character you're most likely to fuck? Aquiles from Troy.
(45) Smoke? No.
(46) Do drugs? If you consider a Beer a Drug then Yeah!!!!!!!
(47) Read the newspaper? Yes
(48) Pray? Every day
(49) Go to church? Not as much as I’m supposed to.
(50) Sleep with stuffed animals? No, I hug my pillow
(51) Talk to a person that hates you? First I’ll have to meet that person,. So far I don’t thinks there’s anybody that hates me. If so I don’t know.
(52) Liked your voice? I do.
(53) Burped? Yeah in from of my best friend
(54) Done drugs? Nope
(55) Gone skinny dipping? No …
(56) Had a surgery? Yes One in my Breast
(57) Ran away from home? No reason to do that. Thank God!!!!!!!!
(58) Played strip poker? nope
(59) Been picked on? Repeatedly.
(60) Been on stage? no
(61) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? No, I’ve got drunk once in a hotel with a few of my friends from work, and I really told off a very good friend of mine who said she was ashame cause a few of us got drunk. In the morning I felt sorry for everything I said even though my other friends said she deseve it.
(62) Talked on the phone all night? Yeah
(63) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? A couple of times yes.
(64) Slept all day? My favorite past time
(65) Killed someone? Wish a could do it and get away with it, but no
(66) Made out with a stranger? umhhhhh Yes.
(67) Had sex with a stranger? No, I’ m Virgin
(68) Kissed the same sex? On the cheek,that’s as far as I’ll go .
(69) Done anything sexual with the same sex? No, I’m just not attracted to the same things I have.
(70) Been betrayed? Too many times…to count
(71) Had a dream that came true? Yes, my friends are scare of me, cause everytime I dream of a woman being pregnang, somebody I know is, sooooo. They Call me “The Witch”
(72) Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Some ants, a couple of roaches ,and rats ( this last when I worked enough courage to do it) aside from that I love all animals.
(73) Been on radio/TV? no
(74) Had a nervous breakdown? No, I don’t think so.
(75) Been criticized about your sexual performance? I’m a virgin so don’t know my rating yet.
(76) Had a dream that kept coming back? yes
(77) Favorite Shoe brand: Nine West
(78) Favorite brand of clothing: Old Navy, Bossini
(79) Favorite Cologne/Perfume: Elle “Giorgio Armani”,Paris “ Ives Saint Laurent, Romance " Ralf Laurent"
(80) What do you normally wear to school/work? Suits
(81) Do you wear hats? Not always, only when I go to a Concert or to see Baseball game.
(82) Do you wear make-up? A litlle for work, I like it to look as if I’m not wearing anything. I like the natural look.
(83) Do you believe in life on other planets? Not really, but anything is possible.
(84) How about Miracles? Yes
(85) And Astrology? Well not really
(86) Do you believe in Magic? Yes of course
(87) God? He is everything, we have a close friendship. We talk everyday
(88) Satan? No
(89) Do you believe in Santa? Yeah! I even had my picture taken sitting on his lap, Je Je.
(90) Ghosts? Yeah, I’ve seen a couple
(91) Luck? Yes,
(92) Love at first sight? Yes I do, cause you know first impressions are what starts everything.
(93) Witches? Yes, I see and read lot’s of thing about them
(94) Do you remember your first love? love? Yes, we are really good friends now.
(95) Still love him/her? No, that was a very loooooooong time ago
(96) Do you consider love a mistake? No, it the most amazing feeling in the world
(97) What do you find romantic? Just cuddling with a special person and feeling their warm.
(98) Do you base your judgment on looks alone? No, Never
(99) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Flattered, but I will not lead them on, cause I will never play with somebody’s feelings
(100) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date? I prefer to meet them first, I’m very shy, so I don’t think I’ll ever go on a blind date. You can try and trick me, but me ageing to it, Not on this life.
(101) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? No.
(102) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Yes, cause i believe that the most beautiful thing in a person is what's inside, beaty with time fades,....
(103) What is best about the opposite sex? Everything!!!!
(104) Are you in love? Not at the moment. But I want to be.
(105) Do you consider your significant other hot? I’m single at the moment
(106) You wanted to kill? Some guy in the car wash who wanted to cut and be attended before me, and when I told the people that I was first, he started insulting me. The Bastard!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhhhhh, hate it when me try to take advantage of us just because we are women.
(107) That you laughed at? Last Night, while watching a Novela with my brother
(108) That laughed at you? My Best Friend, cause I almost fell on her door step
(109) You went shopping with? My Friend Shahily, last saturday, I was helping her get some plastic boxes so she can store all her books.
(110) That broke your heart? W. broke my heart, cause I really loved him, but he lie and show that he never did really love me, he just want it to get into my pants, and when he couldn’t he just started treating really bad, in the end I broke up with him, and he made everybody think that I was the bad person. The Bastard!!!!. Thank God I don’t have any feelings for him now.(111) To disappoint you? Three of my friends from College, whom I thought were really my friends, but their actitudes towards me, has shown that they are just hypocrites and talk to me just so that our other friends don’t recriminate them.
(112) To brighten up your day? My niece she told me she want it to be like me when she grew up, cause she really admire me.
(113) That you thought about? My best friend who is having trouble in her marriage
(114) You saw a movie with? My friend Shahily
(115) You talked to on the phone? My Friend Glenys
(116) You saw? My CoWorker and Friend Suhey
(117) Smiled? Every single minute of the day Sorry but I’m a Happy Person, I believe that it is better to smile that to frown.
(118) Laughed? Last night with my family
(119) Cried? Three weeks ago with my best friend
(120) Bought something? On saturday
(121) Were sarcastic? This morning
(122) Hugged someone? My Mom Last Night
(123) Talked to an ex? A long time ago. Jiji
(124) Watched your favorite movie? Saturday Night . Love Actually
(125) Had a nightmare? Two months ago.
(126) Talked on the phone? 2 minutes ago.
(127) Listened to the radio? Right now, I have a radio next to my desk. I’m listening to Radio Disney.
(128) Watched TV? Last Night
(129) Went out? Out Out, On friday to My friends Carmen’s House for some tacos
(130) Helped someone? My friend Shahily, she’s in the last stages of her prenangcy so she can’t drive, so I picked her up on Saturday and took her to finish some errands she needed to to. (131) Were mean? To one of my coworkers 5 minutes Ago
(132) Saw a movie in a theater? Three weeks ago
(133) Said "I love you"? to my mother last saturday when she came back from her 1 ½ month vacation in the states. Love her to death, and miss her so much
(134) Missed someone? My mom, she spend 1 ½ month in New York, the first and second week it was Ok but after that it was not very good. She and My father are the most important thing in my life.
(135) Had a serious conversation? On saturday
(136) Got drunk? Two years ago while on a weekend stay at a hotel in Puerto Plata. Now I just drink socially not to get Drunk , I’ m responsible driver you know!!!!! J ;)
Esta canción expresa todo lo que siento en cuanto al amor se refiere, quisiera poder encontrar algun dia un amor asi. Algunos de mis amigos dicen que soy cursi y romantica, y que amores asi no existen, pero como soy romantica empedernida, nunca pierdo las esperanzas, al final la esperanza es lo ultimo que se pierde. Aqui dejo esta cancion para el recuerdo, a lo mejor dentro de 20 años escribirè que lo que dice la canción si existe............
Que me alcance la vida
Tantos momentos d felicidad, tanta caridad y tanta fantasìa, tanta pasiòn tanta imaginaciòn, y tanto dar Amor hasta llegar el dìa, tantas maneras de decir Te Amo, no parece humano lo que tu me das...
Cada deseo que tu me adivinas, cada vez que ries rompes mi rutina, y la paciencia con la que me escuchas y la convicciòn con la que siempre luchas, como me llenas como me liberas, quiero estar contigo si vuelvo a nacer.....
Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida, y me de tiempo para regresar, aunque sea tan solo un poco de lo mucho que me das. Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida para decirte, todo lo que siento gracias a tu Amor.
El sentimiento del que no soy yo, de que hay algo mas cuando tu me miras, la sensaciòn de que no existe el tiempo cuando estan tus manos sobre mis mejillas, como me llenas como me liberas, quiero estar contigo si vuelvo a nacer......
Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida y me de tiempo para regresar, aunque sea tan solo un poco de lo mucho que me das. Le pido a Dios que me lacance la vida para decirte, todo lo que siento gracias a tu Amor...... tu me das la luz que hace despertar, que me aleja de la oscuridad, que me lleva por todo el mundo para que no pierda el rumbo.
Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida y me de tiempo para regresar, aunque sea tan solo un poco de lo mucho que me das. Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida para decirte....... todo lo que siento gracias a TU AMOR...
Tantos momentos d felicidad, tanta caridad y tanta fantasìa, tanta pasiòn tanta imaginaciòn, y tanto dar Amor hasta llegar el dìa, tantas maneras de decir Te Amo, no parece humano lo que tu me das...
Cada deseo que tu me adivinas, cada vez que ries rompes mi rutina, y la paciencia con la que me escuchas y la convicciòn con la que siempre luchas, como me llenas como me liberas, quiero estar contigo si vuelvo a nacer.....
Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida, y me de tiempo para regresar, aunque sea tan solo un poco de lo mucho que me das. Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida para decirte, todo lo que siento gracias a tu Amor.
El sentimiento del que no soy yo, de que hay algo mas cuando tu me miras, la sensaciòn de que no existe el tiempo cuando estan tus manos sobre mis mejillas, como me llenas como me liberas, quiero estar contigo si vuelvo a nacer......
Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida y me de tiempo para regresar, aunque sea tan solo un poco de lo mucho que me das. Le pido a Dios que me lacance la vida para decirte, todo lo que siento gracias a tu Amor...... tu me das la luz que hace despertar, que me aleja de la oscuridad, que me lleva por todo el mundo para que no pierda el rumbo.
Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida y me de tiempo para regresar, aunque sea tan solo un poco de lo mucho que me das. Le pido a Dios que me alcance la vida para decirte....... todo lo que siento gracias a TU AMOR...
Esta cancion me trae muy buenos recuerdos, por eso siento la necesidad de postearla aqui... para siempre recordar.
Tu Corazon
Que sensación tan extraña aquella que sentíal escuchar tu corazón.Que falsedad la que engaña a todos en aquel viejo salon.
Por eso yo,ya no se que voy hacer sin tu amor, si no puedo escapar de esta llama que incendia mi cuerpo.Yo, ya no intento descubrir que pasará,si prefiero morir que aguantar lo que siento, todo lo que yo llevo,lo llevo por dentro.
Que sensación tan extraña llego sin avisar,y acorraló mi corazón.Qué escondes dentro de tu alma? que me hace alucinar y hasta perder la razón
Por eso yo...Que me condenen a cien años que me destierren si te beso que me castigue Dios si peco y grito a voces que te quiero.
Que angustia siento en el alma, pues tengo que callar cuando en verdad... quiero gritar.Que misteriosa la calmase oculta en el umbral de mi ansiedad.
Por eso yo...
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
En estos ultimos dias mis compañeros de trabajo me han dicho que soy exageradamente romantica debido a la musica que escucho en mi PC, pensado en esto me puse a pensar las canciones romanticas que me se, he aqui algunas de las que mas me gustan:
De Viaje
Interprete : Sin Banderas
En este viaje que cada manana,lleno de suenos comienzo en la cama,soy un turista que aveces no entiende,el raro idioma que me habla la gente.Tantas aduanas entre unos y otros,tantas fronteras volviendonos locos,hay tantos muros entre las miradas,que aunque nos vemos nunca vemos nada.
He visto ruinas de suenos caidos, mares de fe en desiertos de olvido,y cuando mas me encontraba perdido,un mapa de mi me entregaste tu.
Continuemos el viaje los dos,mismo cielo misma habitacion,ya no voy a buscar eres tu el lugar que sone,de viaje te amare.
Perdi mi tren por quedarme dormido,en el hotel de creerme vencido,corri las calles del valor perdido,pense que el viaje no tenia sentido.
He visto ruinas de suenos caidos, mares de fe en desiertos de olvido,y cuando mas me encontraba perdido,un mapa de mi me entregaste tu.
Continuemos el viaje los dos,mismo cielo misma habitacion,ya no voy a buscar eres tu el lugar que sone,de viaje te amare
I I ain't got you
By: Alicia Keys
Some people live for the fortune Some people live just for the fame Some people live for the power, yeah Some people live just to play the game Some people think that the physical things define what's within And I been there before but that's life's a bore, so full of the superficial
Chorus: Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all If it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything But everything means nothing if I aint got you, yeah
Some people search for a fountain The promise is forever young (You know) Some people need 3 dozen roses And that's the only way to prove you love them Hand me the world on a silver platter And what good would it be? With no one to share with no one who truly cares for me
Chorus: Some people want it all, but I don?t want nothing at all If it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything But everything means nothing if I aint got you, you, you Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all If it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby
Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything But everything means nothing if I aint got you, yeah If aint got you with me baby, ohh, ooo Say nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing If I aint got you with me baby.
Como te echo de menos
By" Alejandro Sanz
Existe un niño vive en mi jugando a no quererte pero hace tanto ruido este olvido que no te pude escuchar, recordar que ya no estas que cuando hay olas en el mar y cuando no tambien cuando me siento sereno cuando te hecho de menos hoy puede pasar hoy es, uno de esos momentos coro: Y cuando llega el mes de abril y cuando quiero ir al desierto acabo siempre haciendo un nuevo intento por saber de ti
cuando decido mejorar, cuando me digo esto no es vivir me desespero y en este mundo no encuentro alivio me pareces un mundo ajeno no sabes cuanto te eche de menos Me besas yo me hundo y se que nadie en este mundo apagaria ni tu fuego ni mi sed
Y cuando hay olas en el mar cuando hay calma y tempestad y cuando no tambien cuando me siento sereno cuando te echo de menos hoy puede pasar hoy es, uno de esos momentos
Me besas yo me hundo y se que nadie en este mundo entenderia ni tu fuego ni mi sed Me besas yo me hundo y se que nadie en este mundo apagaria ni este fuego ni esta sed queremos voler
Mi Soledad y Yo
By: Alejandro Sanz
Cómo estás que tal te va, alláes de de día o es de noche. Es bonita esa ciudad, para ir de vacaciones?Y el hotel, era verdad que es tan romántico y lujoso como en la publicidad con esas playas de las fotos.
En Madrid está lloviendo y todo sigue como siempre, solamente que no estáa y el tiempo pasa lentamente.
Estoy loco por que vuelvas hace tanto que te fuiste. No te irás a enamorar allá lo prometiste. Por favor, cuando puedas llámame que mi soledad y yo sin ti no nos llevamos bien.
Me paso el día planeando nuestro encuentro imaginando.Te besarè como nadie en este mundo te besó,te amarè con el cuerpo y con la mente con la piel y el corazón.
Vuelve pronto, te esperamos Mi soledad y yo
Ya no te entretengo más se que te está esperando alguien, dile que debe hablar más bajo al que ha dicho que no tardes solo ultimo favor te pido antes de colgar dile que te cuide mucho, me lo prometes que lo haras? ahora calmate que no note que haz llorado disimula que estas bien como yo lo hago y mientras seguire pensando nuestro encuentro imaginario
te besare como nadie en este mundo te beso te amare con el cuerpo con la mente con la piel y el corazon, vuelve pronto te esperamos....mi soledad y yo (3)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
When my Friends and I are Old
We Shall Wear Purple!!
We will spend our
saturdays seeking out
every garage sale within a
ten-mile radius. We will
critique the bargains and
say, "Oh, remember this-
Mom used to have one
of these!"We will have a
cup of tea at dusk,
gossip a little and figgle
a lot. We will do all these
things and more, my friens
and I. When we grow old
and start to wear purple
This was a message on a bookmark my best friend gave me today to celebrate her birthday. Today she cross a landmark that I'll be crossing in 8 month 10 days 9 hours and 23 minutes. I really admire her, in so little time she has achive so much, even though sometimes she examines herself and saids I've practically done nothing with my life. So I can't wait to start wearing purple!!!!.
Happy Birthday My Friend
Monday, September 18, 2006
According to this test this is the kind of friend that I am:
You Are A Fun Friend |
And you've always got an idea for something fun to do The party's not complete without you And you wouldn't miss it for the world |
What Kind of Friend Are You?
Si la vida te da Limones aprende a hacer limonadas.
Esto lo digo porque desde hace ya par de semanas, estoy pensando que traigo la mala suerte atras, primero en medio de un aguacero un señor viene y zasss que se me estralla por detras, dejandome toda la parte trasera de mi pobre carrito hecha una m.....a, este señor al momento del accidente se mostro muy decente y le digo que vayamos directo a la casa del conductor, me monto en mi carro y arranco para alla y el muy HDSMM nunca aparecio, para no hacer el cuento largo, a pesar de que tome todos los datos, hice la reclamacion a su seguro y estoy a la espera de respuesta, despues de esto cuando voy a las oficinas de mi seguro me entero que para este tipo de choque mi poliza no lo cubre, elase que ando en la calle sin proteccion, esto luego de que el corredor del seguro me asegurara al momento de yo comprar el carro que todo esta bien, que mi carro estaba bien asegurado, Yo a esto solo me digo respira profundo, luego de esto y Gracias a la ayuda de mi Papá, pude arreglar mi carro, porque si me pongo a esperar que el seguro me pague aun andaria sin luces ni baul..
Bueno pero a que se debe el titulo, porque despues de pasarme varios dias maldiciendo siii, ya he empezado a pedirle perdon a Dios por esto, me di cuenta que algunas veces Dios se da cuenta que vienen cosas malas hacia nosostros, y el busca la manera de desviarla y de que nosotros no tengamos mucho sufrimiento los manda de manera suficiente. Es por esto que te pido perdon Dios mio, por quejarme tanto, cuando se que hay personas alrededor del mundo con problemas y dolencias mayores que las mia.
Gracias Dios por las bendiciones que me brindas, por la salud de mis padres, de mis hermanos, amigos y familiares, porque mi accidente no paso a ser algo mas que unos leves daños a la carroceria de mi Carro, Prometo quejarme menos y agradecerte mas. Y que como dije al comienzo con cada limon que la vida me de hare un millon de limonadas.
Esto lo digo porque desde hace ya par de semanas, estoy pensando que traigo la mala suerte atras, primero en medio de un aguacero un señor viene y zasss que se me estralla por detras, dejandome toda la parte trasera de mi pobre carrito hecha una m.....a, este señor al momento del accidente se mostro muy decente y le digo que vayamos directo a la casa del conductor, me monto en mi carro y arranco para alla y el muy HDSMM nunca aparecio, para no hacer el cuento largo, a pesar de que tome todos los datos, hice la reclamacion a su seguro y estoy a la espera de respuesta, despues de esto cuando voy a las oficinas de mi seguro me entero que para este tipo de choque mi poliza no lo cubre, elase que ando en la calle sin proteccion, esto luego de que el corredor del seguro me asegurara al momento de yo comprar el carro que todo esta bien, que mi carro estaba bien asegurado, Yo a esto solo me digo respira profundo, luego de esto y Gracias a la ayuda de mi Papá, pude arreglar mi carro, porque si me pongo a esperar que el seguro me pague aun andaria sin luces ni baul..
Bueno pero a que se debe el titulo, porque despues de pasarme varios dias maldiciendo siii, ya he empezado a pedirle perdon a Dios por esto, me di cuenta que algunas veces Dios se da cuenta que vienen cosas malas hacia nosostros, y el busca la manera de desviarla y de que nosotros no tengamos mucho sufrimiento los manda de manera suficiente. Es por esto que te pido perdon Dios mio, por quejarme tanto, cuando se que hay personas alrededor del mundo con problemas y dolencias mayores que las mia.
Gracias Dios por las bendiciones que me brindas, por la salud de mis padres, de mis hermanos, amigos y familiares, porque mi accidente no paso a ser algo mas que unos leves daños a la carroceria de mi Carro, Prometo quejarme menos y agradecerte mas. Y que como dije al comienzo con cada limon que la vida me de hare un millon de limonadas.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Some of me in a nutshell
Some of me in a nutshell
10 years ago: It was my first year in a new job. Learning new things and meeting new people.
5 years ago... Working hard, learning that everybody is not a friend.
1 year ago... Mom was starting to get back on her feet after the fall. Work is ok. When on vacation with mom and dad.
Yesterday... I worked all day, after work I went to church. It's been 4 days since Tio Rafaelito passed away.
Today... I came to work, we’re in our year end clossing of statements, started today to take the first step to make a reality my new year resolution of stabilizing myself financially. I'm almost 40 years old i can't continue living paycheck to paycheck.
Tomorrow.... IT's thursday another day of work.i have no plans.
1 year from now... God willing I'll be financially stable, and almost done with my car payments.
5 years from now... I don't know. I'm trying to live one day at a time. Embracing everything that God sends my way.
5 snacks I enjoy..... Pizzitas, croquetas, quipes, pastelitos
5 songs I know all the words to... a.- Hero- Mariah Carey, b.- Kilómetros – Sin Bandera, c.- Alguien como tu – Luis Miguel, d.- Y solo se me ocurre amarte – Alejandro Sanz, e. Color Esperanza –Diego Torres.
5 reality television shows I watch... The amazing Race, The voice,Dancing with the Stars,keeping up with the kardashians, dash dolls.
5 television shows I watch daily... General hospital, Chicago (PD,FIRE,MED), Supergirl,arrow,flash
5 things I would do with $100,000,000... pay the loan of my car, buy an apartment and furniture, give some to my parents and my brothers If I have anything left I’ll probably invest it.
5 locations I would love to run away to... Paris, Hawaii, Punta Cana, Rome, Madrid.
5 things I like doing... Watching TV, reading, hanging out with my family / friends, listening to music.
5 things I would never wear... Anything that shows my tummy, butt, that is tight and makes me look as if I’m about to explode.
5 recently seen movies I like... a.- Jurasick world, b.- c.- Furius 7 d.- Avengers Age of Ultron e.- terminator-genesis.
5 famous people I'd like to meet... Alejandro Sanz, Brad Pitt, Madonna , Derek Jeter, Adam Levine
5 biggest joys of the moment... That Mom and Dad are both recuperating from their injuries, that i have health and my job. That i have few but really good friends.
10 years ago: It was my first year in a new job. Learning new things and meeting new people.
5 years ago... Working hard, learning that everybody is not a friend.
1 year ago... Mom was starting to get back on her feet after the fall. Work is ok. When on vacation with mom and dad.
Yesterday... I worked all day, after work I went to church. It's been 4 days since Tio Rafaelito passed away.
Today... I came to work, we’re in our year end clossing of statements, started today to take the first step to make a reality my new year resolution of stabilizing myself financially. I'm almost 40 years old i can't continue living paycheck to paycheck.
Tomorrow.... IT's thursday another day of work.i have no plans.
1 year from now... God willing I'll be financially stable, and almost done with my car payments.
5 years from now... I don't know. I'm trying to live one day at a time. Embracing everything that God sends my way.
5 snacks I enjoy..... Pizzitas, croquetas, quipes, pastelitos
5 songs I know all the words to... a.- Hero- Mariah Carey, b.- Kilómetros – Sin Bandera, c.- Alguien como tu – Luis Miguel, d.- Y solo se me ocurre amarte – Alejandro Sanz, e. Color Esperanza –Diego Torres.
5 reality television shows I watch... The amazing Race, The voice,Dancing with the Stars,keeping up with the kardashians, dash dolls.
5 television shows I watch daily... General hospital, Chicago (PD,FIRE,MED), Supergirl,arrow,flash
5 things I would do with $100,000,000... pay the loan of my car, buy an apartment and furniture, give some to my parents and my brothers If I have anything left I’ll probably invest it.
5 locations I would love to run away to... Paris, Hawaii, Punta Cana, Rome, Madrid.
5 things I like doing... Watching TV, reading, hanging out with my family / friends, listening to music.
5 things I would never wear... Anything that shows my tummy, butt, that is tight and makes me look as if I’m about to explode.
5 recently seen movies I like... a.- Jurasick world, b.- c.- Furius 7 d.- Avengers Age of Ultron e.- terminator-genesis.
5 famous people I'd like to meet... Alejandro Sanz, Brad Pitt, Madonna , Derek Jeter, Adam Levine
5 biggest joys of the moment... That Mom and Dad are both recuperating from their injuries, that i have health and my job. That i have few but really good friends.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Your Five Factor Personality Profile |
You have medium extroversion.You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences.But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time." Conscientiousness: You have high conscientiousness.Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.Most things in your life are organized and planned well.But you borderline on being a total perfectionist. Agreeableness: You have medium agreeableness.You're generally a friendly and trusting person.But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.You get along well with others, as long as they play fair. Neuroticism: You have low neuroticism.You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure. Openness to experience: Your openness to new experiences is medium.You are generally broad minded when it come to new things.But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it.You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue. |
The Five Factor Personality Test
Well this was something a friend of mine send me to do, so here goes nothing. Your Five Variable Love Profile |
Your propensity for monogamy is high.You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.And in return, you expect the same from who you love.Any sign of straying, and you'll end things. Experience Level: Your experience level is medium.You probably have had a couple significant loves.And you may have even had your heart broken.But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people. Dominance: Your dominance is low.This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.You know a relationship is not about getting your way.And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom. Cynicism: Your cynicism is low.You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon. Independence: Your independence is low.This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships..It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together. |
The Five Variable Love Test
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My Shopping With Esther & Meche
This is me two weeks ago while going shopping with my friend esther and her sister, Her Brother is getting married in november and I was helping them find the dress for the event, This picture was taken by Esther sister Meche, after I saw a dress that look like a clown outfit, we laught so hard. Anyways in the end the found what they were looking for. After that we when to bella vista mall and did the one thing that we like the most, eat eat..... , cause they had promise to give me something to eat if I help them out Hence my smile
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
This is something that I've found in a Blog that I ussually read, and since in this questionary is about telling things about yourself. Here it goes: A deep Look into Myself
About Me
(1) Your gender: Female.
(2) Straight/gay/bi? Straight
(3) Single? Yes
(4) Right now, you want to be? At home, in bed watching tv
(5) Your birth day: May 02nd of every year.
(6) Age you act: I usually act my age, but sometimes my inner child comes out to play
(7) Age you wish you were: 15, in school without having to worry about any reponsabilities
(8) Your height: 5’ 7’’
(9) The color of your eyes: Black
(10) Happy with it? yes.
(11) The color of your hair: Black
(12) Happy with it? Yes
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous? Right,
(14) Your living arrangement? Dad, Mom, my Brother Pedro, 1 Dog (blackie), 1Cat ( Lucinda).
(15) Your family: My Center
(16) What's your job: I Business Administrator with expertise in Finance
(17) Piercings? 1 in each ear.
(18) Tattoos? Never had the guts to get one done.
(19) Obsessions? Not many
(20) Do you speak another language? I currently speak English, Spanish, a little French.
(21) Favorite quote: “El que Encilla su Caballo sabe para donde va.” Y “ el que tiene su cojombro que se lo eche al hombro”
(22) Do you have a web page? This Blog and a PhotoBlog at fixter
(23) Do you live in the moment? I try to .
(24) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Yes, too much, I put up with a lot of BS from people because of this
(25) Do you have any secrets? Oh Yeah.
(26) Do you like your handwriting? Yes
(27) Do you have any bad habits? A few.
(28) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Life with Mimi
(29) What's your biggest fear? To be alone
(30) Can you sing? Yeah, I do in my car and in my bedroom while listening to music
(31) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? No
(32) Are you a daredevil? No I’ m actually very chicken
(33) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Definitely .
(34) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Fear no, hate definitely but I’ll keep that to myself
(35) Are you passive or aggressive? 100% passive
(36) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose? Love, because that’s what moves the world
(37) Do you think you are emotionally strong? Not so much.
(38) Do you think life has been good so far? Yeah, I thank God everyday for it…
(39) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Becarefull who you trust, cause once you put yourself out there you never know who’s gonna come and stab you in the back. There a few people that I can say have my trust.
(40) What do you like the most about your body? Does my hair counts? If not then I like my Behind
(41) And least? My tummy,
(42) Do you think you are good looking? Honestly no, but a lot of people say I’m anyway I try not to believe it 100%.
(43) Are you confident? I can only wish.
(44) What is the fictional character you're most likely to fuck? Aquiles from Troy.
(45) Smoke? No.
(46) Do drugs? If you consider a Beer a Drug then Yeah!!!!!!!
(47) Read the newspaper? Yes
(48) Pray? Every day
(49) Go to church? Not as much as I’m supposed to.
(50) Sleep with stuffed animals? No, I hug my pillow
(51) Talk to a person that hates you? First I’ll have to meet that person,. So far I don’t thinks there’s anybody that hates me. If so I don’t know.
(52) Liked your voice? I do.
(53) Burped? Yeah in from of my best friend
(54) Been in love? Once
(55) Done drugs? Nope
(56) Gone skinny dipping? No …
(57) Had a surgery? Yes One in my Breast
(58) Ran away from home? No reason to do that. Thank God!!!!!!!!
(59) Played strip poker? nope
(60) Been picked on? Repeatedly.
(61) Been on stage? no
(62) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? No, I’ve got drunk once in a hotel with a few of my friends from work, and I really told off a very good friend of mine who said she was ashame cause a few of us got drunk. In the morning I felt sorry for everything I said even though my other friends said she deseve it.
(63) Talked on the phone all night? Yeah
(64) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? A couple of times yes.
(65) Slept all day? My favorite past time
(66) Killed someone? Wish a could do it and get away with it, but no
(67) Made out with a stranger? umhhhhh Yes. Well I met him that day, he was so cute and romantic, I Just Couldn't refuse.
(68) Had sex with a stranger? No, I’ m Virgin
(69) Kissed the same sex? On the cheek,that’s as far as I’ll go .
(70) Done anything sexual with the same sex? No, I’m just not attracted to the same things I have.
(71) Been betrayed? Too many times…to count
(72) Had a dream that came true? Yes, my friends are scare of me, cause everytime I dream of a woman being pregnang, somebody I know is, sooooo. They Call me “The Witch”
(73) Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Some ants, a couple of roaches ,and rats ( this last when I worked enough courage to do it) aside from that I love all animals.
(74) Been on radio/TV? no
(75) Had a nervous breakdown? No, I don’t think so.
(76) Been criticized about your sexual performance? I’m a virgin so don’t know my rating yet.
(77) Had a dream that kept coming back? yes
(78) Favorite Shoe brand: Nine West
(79) Favorite brand of clothing: Old Navy, Bossini
(80) Favorite Cologne/Perfume: Elle “Giorgio Armani :” and Paris “ Ives Saint Laurent
(81) What do you normally wear to school/work? Suits
(82) Do you wear hats? Not always, only when I go to a Concert or to see Baseball game.
(83) Do you wear make-up? A litlle for work, I like it to look as if I’m not wearing anything. I like the natural look.
(84) Do you believe in life on other planets? Not really, but anything is possible.(
85) How about Miracles? Yes
(86) And Astrology? Well not really, I have not really look into it that much
(87) Do you believe in Magic? Yes of course
(88) God? He is everything, we have a close friendship. We talk everyday
(89) Satan? No
(90) Do you believe in Santa? Yeah! I even had my picture taken sitting on his lap, Je Je.
(91) Ghosts? Yeah, I’ve seen a couple
(92) Luck? Yes,
(93) Love at first sight? Yes I do, cause you know first impressions are what starts everything
(94) Witches? Yes, I see and read lot’s of thing about them
(95) Do you wish on stars? Yes .
(96) Do you remember your first love? Yes, we are really good friends now.
(97) Still love him/her? No, that was a very loooooooong time ago
(98) Do you consider love a mistake? No, it the most amazing feeling in the world
(99) What do you find romantic? Just cuddling with a special person and feeling their warm.
(100) Do you base your judgment on looks alone? No, Never
(101) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Flattered, but I will not lead them on, cause I will never play with somebody’s feelings
(102) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date? I prefer to meet them first, I’m very shy, so I don’t think I’ll ever go on a blind date. You can try and trick me, but me ageing to it, Not on this life.
(103) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? No.
(104) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Yes
(105) What is best about the opposite sex? Everything!!!!
(106) Are you in love? Not at the moment. But I want to be.
(107) Do you consider your significant other hot? I’m single at the moment
(108) You wanted to kill? Some guy in the car wash who wanted to cut and be attended before me, and when I told the people that I was first, he started insulting me. The Bastard!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhhhhh, hate it when me try to take advantage of us just because we are women.
(109) That you laughed at? Last Night, while watching a Novela with my brother
(110) That laughed at you? My Best Friend, cause I almost fell on her door step
(111) You went shopping with? My Friend Shahily, last saturday, I was helping her get some plastic boxes so she can store all her books.
(112) That broke your heart? W. broke my heart, cause I really loved him, but he lie and show that he never did really love me, he just want it to get into my pants, and when he couldn’t he just started treating really bad, in the end I broke up with him, and he made everybody think that I was the bad person. The Bastard!!!!. Thank God I don’t have any feelings for him now.(113) To disappoint you? Three of my friends from College, whom I thought were really my friends, but their actitudes towards me, has shown that they are just hypocrites and talk to me just so that our other friends don’t recriminate them.
(114) To brighten up your day? My niece she told me she want it to be like me when she grew up, cause she really admire me.
(115) That you thought about? A friend from work who is having a difficult break up (116) You saw a movie with? My friend Shahily
(117) You talked to on the phone? My Friend Glenys
(118) You saw? My CoWorker and Friend Suhey
(119) Smiled? Every single minute of the day Sorry but I’m a Happy Person, I believe that it is better to smile that to frown.
(120) Laughed? Last night with my family
(121) Cried? Three weeks ago with my best friend
(122) Bought something? On saturday
(123) Were sarcastic? This morning
(124) Hugged someone? My Mom Last Night
(125) Talked to an ex? A long time ago. Jiji
(126) Watched your favorite movie? Saturday Night . Love Actually
(127) Had a nightmare? Two months ago.
(128) Talked on the phone? 2 minutes ago.
(129) Listened to the radio? Right now, I have a radio next to my desk. I’m listening to Radio Disney.
(130) Watched TV? Last Night
(131) Went out? Out Out, On friday to My friends Carmen’s House for some tacos
(132) Helped someone? My friend Shahily, she’s in the last stages of her prenangcy so she can’t drive, so I picked her up on Saturday and took her to finish some errands she needed to to. (133) Were mean? To one of my coworkers 5 minutes Ago
(134) Saw a movie in a theater? Three weeks ago
(135) Said "I love you"? to my mother last saturday when she came back from her 1 ½ month vacation in the states. Love her to death, and miss her so much
(136) Missed someone? My mom, she spend 1 ½ month in New York, the first and second week it was Ok but after that it was not very good. She and My father are the most important thing in my life.
(137) Had a serious conversation? On saturday
(138) Got drunk? Two years ago while on a weekend stay at a hotel in Puerto Plata. Now I just drink socially not to get Drunk , I’ m responsible driver you know!!!!!:) ;) :)
About Me
(1) Your gender: Female.
(2) Straight/gay/bi? Straight
(3) Single? Yes
(4) Right now, you want to be? At home, in bed watching tv
(5) Your birth day: May 02nd of every year.
(6) Age you act: I usually act my age, but sometimes my inner child comes out to play
(7) Age you wish you were: 15, in school without having to worry about any reponsabilities
(8) Your height: 5’ 7’’
(9) The color of your eyes: Black
(10) Happy with it? yes.
(11) The color of your hair: Black
(12) Happy with it? Yes
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous? Right,
(14) Your living arrangement? Dad, Mom, my Brother Pedro, 1 Dog (blackie), 1Cat ( Lucinda).
(15) Your family: My Center
(16) What's your job: I Business Administrator with expertise in Finance
(17) Piercings? 1 in each ear.
(18) Tattoos? Never had the guts to get one done.
(19) Obsessions? Not many
(20) Do you speak another language? I currently speak English, Spanish, a little French.
(21) Favorite quote: “El que Encilla su Caballo sabe para donde va.” Y “ el que tiene su cojombro que se lo eche al hombro”
(22) Do you have a web page? This Blog and a PhotoBlog at fixter
(23) Do you live in the moment? I try to .
(24) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Yes, too much, I put up with a lot of BS from people because of this
(25) Do you have any secrets? Oh Yeah.
(26) Do you like your handwriting? Yes
(27) Do you have any bad habits? A few.
(28) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Life with Mimi
(29) What's your biggest fear? To be alone
(30) Can you sing? Yeah, I do in my car and in my bedroom while listening to music
(31) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? No
(32) Are you a daredevil? No I’ m actually very chicken
(33) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Definitely .
(34) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Fear no, hate definitely but I’ll keep that to myself
(35) Are you passive or aggressive? 100% passive
(36) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose? Love, because that’s what moves the world
(37) Do you think you are emotionally strong? Not so much.
(38) Do you think life has been good so far? Yeah, I thank God everyday for it…
(39) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Becarefull who you trust, cause once you put yourself out there you never know who’s gonna come and stab you in the back. There a few people that I can say have my trust.
(40) What do you like the most about your body? Does my hair counts? If not then I like my Behind
(41) And least? My tummy,
(42) Do you think you are good looking? Honestly no, but a lot of people say I’m anyway I try not to believe it 100%.
(43) Are you confident? I can only wish.
(44) What is the fictional character you're most likely to fuck? Aquiles from Troy.
(45) Smoke? No.
(46) Do drugs? If you consider a Beer a Drug then Yeah!!!!!!!
(47) Read the newspaper? Yes
(48) Pray? Every day
(49) Go to church? Not as much as I’m supposed to.
(50) Sleep with stuffed animals? No, I hug my pillow
(51) Talk to a person that hates you? First I’ll have to meet that person,. So far I don’t thinks there’s anybody that hates me. If so I don’t know.
(52) Liked your voice? I do.
(53) Burped? Yeah in from of my best friend
(54) Been in love? Once
(55) Done drugs? Nope
(56) Gone skinny dipping? No …
(57) Had a surgery? Yes One in my Breast
(58) Ran away from home? No reason to do that. Thank God!!!!!!!!
(59) Played strip poker? nope
(60) Been picked on? Repeatedly.
(61) Been on stage? no
(62) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? No, I’ve got drunk once in a hotel with a few of my friends from work, and I really told off a very good friend of mine who said she was ashame cause a few of us got drunk. In the morning I felt sorry for everything I said even though my other friends said she deseve it.
(63) Talked on the phone all night? Yeah
(64) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? A couple of times yes.
(65) Slept all day? My favorite past time
(66) Killed someone? Wish a could do it and get away with it, but no
(67) Made out with a stranger? umhhhhh Yes. Well I met him that day, he was so cute and romantic, I Just Couldn't refuse.
(68) Had sex with a stranger? No, I’ m Virgin
(69) Kissed the same sex? On the cheek,that’s as far as I’ll go .
(70) Done anything sexual with the same sex? No, I’m just not attracted to the same things I have.
(71) Been betrayed? Too many times…to count
(72) Had a dream that came true? Yes, my friends are scare of me, cause everytime I dream of a woman being pregnang, somebody I know is, sooooo. They Call me “The Witch”
(73) Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Some ants, a couple of roaches ,and rats ( this last when I worked enough courage to do it) aside from that I love all animals.
(74) Been on radio/TV? no
(75) Had a nervous breakdown? No, I don’t think so.
(76) Been criticized about your sexual performance? I’m a virgin so don’t know my rating yet.
(77) Had a dream that kept coming back? yes
(78) Favorite Shoe brand: Nine West
(79) Favorite brand of clothing: Old Navy, Bossini
(80) Favorite Cologne/Perfume: Elle “Giorgio Armani :” and Paris “ Ives Saint Laurent
(81) What do you normally wear to school/work? Suits
(82) Do you wear hats? Not always, only when I go to a Concert or to see Baseball game.
(83) Do you wear make-up? A litlle for work, I like it to look as if I’m not wearing anything. I like the natural look.
(84) Do you believe in life on other planets? Not really, but anything is possible.(
85) How about Miracles? Yes
(86) And Astrology? Well not really, I have not really look into it that much
(87) Do you believe in Magic? Yes of course
(88) God? He is everything, we have a close friendship. We talk everyday
(89) Satan? No
(90) Do you believe in Santa? Yeah! I even had my picture taken sitting on his lap, Je Je.
(91) Ghosts? Yeah, I’ve seen a couple
(92) Luck? Yes,
(93) Love at first sight? Yes I do, cause you know first impressions are what starts everything
(94) Witches? Yes, I see and read lot’s of thing about them
(95) Do you wish on stars? Yes .
(96) Do you remember your first love? Yes, we are really good friends now.
(97) Still love him/her? No, that was a very loooooooong time ago
(98) Do you consider love a mistake? No, it the most amazing feeling in the world
(99) What do you find romantic? Just cuddling with a special person and feeling their warm.
(100) Do you base your judgment on looks alone? No, Never
(101) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Flattered, but I will not lead them on, cause I will never play with somebody’s feelings
(102) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date? I prefer to meet them first, I’m very shy, so I don’t think I’ll ever go on a blind date. You can try and trick me, but me ageing to it, Not on this life.
(103) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? No.
(104) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Yes
(105) What is best about the opposite sex? Everything!!!!
(106) Are you in love? Not at the moment. But I want to be.
(107) Do you consider your significant other hot? I’m single at the moment
(108) You wanted to kill? Some guy in the car wash who wanted to cut and be attended before me, and when I told the people that I was first, he started insulting me. The Bastard!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhhhhh, hate it when me try to take advantage of us just because we are women.
(109) That you laughed at? Last Night, while watching a Novela with my brother
(110) That laughed at you? My Best Friend, cause I almost fell on her door step
(111) You went shopping with? My Friend Shahily, last saturday, I was helping her get some plastic boxes so she can store all her books.
(112) That broke your heart? W. broke my heart, cause I really loved him, but he lie and show that he never did really love me, he just want it to get into my pants, and when he couldn’t he just started treating really bad, in the end I broke up with him, and he made everybody think that I was the bad person. The Bastard!!!!. Thank God I don’t have any feelings for him now.(113) To disappoint you? Three of my friends from College, whom I thought were really my friends, but their actitudes towards me, has shown that they are just hypocrites and talk to me just so that our other friends don’t recriminate them.
(114) To brighten up your day? My niece she told me she want it to be like me when she grew up, cause she really admire me.
(115) That you thought about? A friend from work who is having a difficult break up (116) You saw a movie with? My friend Shahily
(117) You talked to on the phone? My Friend Glenys
(118) You saw? My CoWorker and Friend Suhey
(119) Smiled? Every single minute of the day Sorry but I’m a Happy Person, I believe that it is better to smile that to frown.
(120) Laughed? Last night with my family
(121) Cried? Three weeks ago with my best friend
(122) Bought something? On saturday
(123) Were sarcastic? This morning
(124) Hugged someone? My Mom Last Night
(125) Talked to an ex? A long time ago. Jiji
(126) Watched your favorite movie? Saturday Night . Love Actually
(127) Had a nightmare? Two months ago.
(128) Talked on the phone? 2 minutes ago.
(129) Listened to the radio? Right now, I have a radio next to my desk. I’m listening to Radio Disney.
(130) Watched TV? Last Night
(131) Went out? Out Out, On friday to My friends Carmen’s House for some tacos
(132) Helped someone? My friend Shahily, she’s in the last stages of her prenangcy so she can’t drive, so I picked her up on Saturday and took her to finish some errands she needed to to. (133) Were mean? To one of my coworkers 5 minutes Ago
(134) Saw a movie in a theater? Three weeks ago
(135) Said "I love you"? to my mother last saturday when she came back from her 1 ½ month vacation in the states. Love her to death, and miss her so much
(136) Missed someone? My mom, she spend 1 ½ month in New York, the first and second week it was Ok but after that it was not very good. She and My father are the most important thing in my life.
(137) Had a serious conversation? On saturday
(138) Got drunk? Two years ago while on a weekend stay at a hotel in Puerto Plata. Now I just drink socially not to get Drunk , I’ m responsible driver you know!!!!!:) ;) :)
Monday, September 11, 2006
life they say is what happens while you're making other plans :where did I hear this , I think it was in a movie, don't really remember, but let me tell you that those words are full of meaning and truth, and I follow them to the end. La vida es aquello que pasa mientras haces otros planes. Verdad.Porque muchas veces planeamos hacer algo y al final es la vida la que nos termina indicando el camino a seguir.
Esta reflexion la hago porque tengo una amiga que proximamente esta llegando a la edad mas temida por las mujeres "The Big 30". Yo le digo amiga fijate si te pones a ver vas a cumplir 30 pero haz un resumen de tu vida, eres una profesional que trabaja en lo que le gusta, estas casada con un hombre que te quiere y tienes dos bellas y hermosas hijas, es verdad que por el hecho de que se caso joven, le faltaron algunas cositas por hacer o disfrutar pero, no por cumplir 30 no lo puedes hacer, aun hay tiempo, la vida nos brinda la oportunidad de hacerlo. Yo le digo esto porque en mi caso yo tambien los cumplire el año proximo y a diferencia de ella Yo soy la soltera del grupo, y a pesar de que mucha gente me ataca y me dice que te estas quedando, y algunas veces me deprimo y pienso Dios mio sera que estoy poniendo mis expectativas muy altas y deberia no se aceptar lo que algunos hombres me han ofrecido y caer en el circulo vicioso de salir con muchos a la misma vez, no se. Pero mi amiga me dice vieja no desesperes que el tuyo anda por ahi ( je je je je eso espero tortuga verde).
Pero creo que no debo de ceder y como buena cristiana, creer que de verdad por ahi anda una persona que me respete y quiera y a la que yo quiera y respete, que nos complementemos el uno al otro.
Esta reflexion la hago porque tengo una amiga que proximamente esta llegando a la edad mas temida por las mujeres "The Big 30". Yo le digo amiga fijate si te pones a ver vas a cumplir 30 pero haz un resumen de tu vida, eres una profesional que trabaja en lo que le gusta, estas casada con un hombre que te quiere y tienes dos bellas y hermosas hijas, es verdad que por el hecho de que se caso joven, le faltaron algunas cositas por hacer o disfrutar pero, no por cumplir 30 no lo puedes hacer, aun hay tiempo, la vida nos brinda la oportunidad de hacerlo. Yo le digo esto porque en mi caso yo tambien los cumplire el año proximo y a diferencia de ella Yo soy la soltera del grupo, y a pesar de que mucha gente me ataca y me dice que te estas quedando, y algunas veces me deprimo y pienso Dios mio sera que estoy poniendo mis expectativas muy altas y deberia no se aceptar lo que algunos hombres me han ofrecido y caer en el circulo vicioso de salir con muchos a la misma vez, no se. Pero mi amiga me dice vieja no desesperes que el tuyo anda por ahi ( je je je je eso espero tortuga verde).
Pero creo que no debo de ceder y como buena cristiana, creer que de verdad por ahi anda una persona que me respete y quiera y a la que yo quiera y respete, que nos complementemos el uno al otro.
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