Wednesday, September 20, 2006

When my Friends and I are Old

We Shall Wear Purple!!
We will spend our
saturdays seeking out
every garage sale within a
ten-mile radius. We will
critique the bargains and
say, "Oh, remember this-
Mom used to have one
of these!"We will have a
cup of tea at dusk,
gossip a little and figgle
a lot. We will do all these
things and more, my friens
and I. When we grow old
and start to wear purple
This was a message on a bookmark my best friend gave me today to celebrate her birthday. Today she cross a landmark that I'll be crossing in 8 month 10 days 9 hours and 23 minutes. I really admire her, in so little time she has achive so much, even though sometimes she examines herself and saids I've practically done nothing with my life. So I can't wait to start wearing purple!!!!.
Happy Birthday My Friend

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